Look at the following chart first.
So, when you say a word more than one syllable, remember to make
the stressed syllable
and higher pitched.
Listen to the words in each pair, and then decide whether the
two words in each pair have the same stress pattern.
e.g. You hear the words " ro man tic" and " ham bur ger," then you find the stress for "romantic" is on the 2nd syllable, but the stress for "hamburger" is on the 1st syllable, so you choose " D " - different. |
Stress the suffix itself:
- ee | employee refugee trainee referee |
- eer | engineer career volunteer |
- ese | Chinese Japanese Portuguese |
- ique | unique antique technique |
- ial | memorial financial artificial essential |
- ual | visual unusual intellectual individual |
- ian | Canadian vegetarian pedestrian politician |
- sion | explosion occasion conclusion permission |
- tion | definition production situation qualification |
- cient | ancient sufficient efficient deficient |
- cious | delicious conscious suspicious |
- tious | ambitious superstitious cautious conscientious |
- ic | academic energetic fantastic terrific realistic |
- ity | ability necessity publicity possibility humidity |
- ify | classify terrify humidify personify solidify |
- logy | biology sociology anthropology psychology |
- graphy | geography autobiography photography pornography |
- meter | kilometer parameter speedometer thermometer |
- ate | operate exaggerate associate integrate certificate |
- ize | apologize criticize recognize computerize |
- ary | secretary necessary contemporary vocabulary |
- ous | dangerous mysterious spontaneous simultaneous |
Using Parts of Speech to predict stress
(A) For certain two-syllable words used as both nouns and verbs,
stress nouns on the first syllable, and verbs on the
second syllable.
Noun Verb
software typewriter
policeman airplane
Noun: Here's the printout.
Verb: He printed it out.
Listen to the sentences. Find which sentence in each pair you hear, and then choose the correct response.
e.g. Does Mary like history? / Does Mary like his story?
(A) Yes, that's her favorite subject.
If you hear the stress is on "history,"
you choose the answer (A).
Why doesn't he like the desert?
What does he think of Europe?
(A) It's a wonderful place to go.
I like that greenhouse very much.
(A) Really? Can you see many plants
(A) Yes, they are his favorite fruit.